
When fish start to speak (2013) by Yuriy Kruchak & Yulia Kostereva - generative/interactive installation based on ActiveZones2OSC

Dies Irae (2013) by Sergiy Petlyuk - interactive installation based on ActiveZones2OSC, Media Art Biennale WRO 2013

ActiveZones2OSC is a freeware, multiplatform (OSX, Windows) tool for creating interactive applications, installations and performances, prototyping, educational workshops, etc. The tool is based on a motion detection system (user can define sensitive regions inside the image captured by the camera) using a video camera - user can choose any type of a camera connected to the computer (USB, FireWire, build-in cameras).

The program has been used in a wide variety of interactive installations and performances by artists, programmers and designers from around the world.

ActiveZones2OSC was created for the Interactive Playground project at WRO Art Center and is available for Windows and OSX here. Detailed guide to the software (Polish language only, at this moment) is also available as single PDF file here.